3M SKU: 7100159328
Lead Time: ~2 days
Removing lead paint and mold requires great responsibility and the appropriate protection. The 3M 6297 Mold and Lead Paint Removal Respirator helps filter out airborne particles plus nuisance organic vapors while you're sanding and scraping, and adjustable features help provide a comfortable fit. For professional use only, this respirator can be used from one job to the next with replaceable filters. Whether you're flipping an older home, or cleaning up water damage, help protect yourself and your crew with the 3M 6297 Mold and Lead Paint Removal Respirator.
3M Bayonet Connection Compatible With 3M Cartridges And Filters;Adjustable Head Straps Allow For Personalized Fit;Carbon Layer Helps Reduce The Odor Of Nuisance Organic Vapors Such As Certain Solvents, Degreasers, And Resins;Contains No Components Made From Natural Rubber Latex;Convenient, Resuable Design;Durable Design For Lasting Wear;For Workplace/Occupational Use Only;Intended For The Professional Removal Of Mold, Lead-Based Paints, Woodworking And Working With Fiberglass Insulation;Lightweight Construction For Comfort;Niosh-Approved P100 Rated Filters For At Least 99.97% Filtration Efficiency Against Solids And Liquid Aerosols, As Well As Oils;Oil Resistant P-Series Particulate Filter;Package Contents: One Facepiece, One Pair Replaceable #2097 P100 Filters;Replacement Filters Available For Economic Repeat Use Of The Facepiece (Part #2097);Use This Product Is In Accordance With All Osha Respiratory Protection Requirements Including Osha Lead Standard And Us-Epa Guidelines For Mold